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Sheep Market & old Post Office

This early photo of the Sheep Market in Spalding shows the old Post Office with to the left of it a building with the name ” T.A.White ” above.  Tom A White was listed in 1909 as auctioneer, valuer and estate agent of Sheep Market, Spalding but the building looks like a Beer House too ?

Anyone know more about about this ?

Click on image to enlarge

AOS P 1450 Sheep Market

Vistor comments

5 Responses

  1. Shop on the left hand side is my great grandfather or great great grandfather – not sure which as both had the same name although probably the son : John Joseph Chilvers
    John Joseph Chilvers invoices detail him as Accountant, Auction, Valuation and Land Agency Offices, 16 Sheep Market, Spalding. ( Kellys directories have the address as 3 Sheep Market )
    The information I have is that he was a Member of Spalding Urban District Council 1913 – 1934 and was chairman 1919.
    Charlie Bedford

    1. Thanks lovely addition. Do you have any memories or photographs. Regards Geoff Taylor

      1. The only photographs I have of John Joseph Chilvers jr is in the book – Aspects of Spalding.

        1. Hi Charlie,
          John Joseph Chilvers is also my great great grandfather, via Leonard Chilvers. We’ve traced the Chilvers line back to late 1700s. Would be good to exchange notes if you want to – my email is easy enough to find if you want to drop me a line.

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