This photo of High Street, Market Deeping shows numbers 18 to 8 High Street, going from left to right. From the right: it is now No 8, Cloud Nine shop, then No 10 Deeping Television, then No 14, CSM Carpet and Flooring, then No 16, residential house, then No 18 – until recently a Chinese restaurant & takeaway, but now being reovated to be a residential. The really distincitve features that confirm this are: 1) the wrought iron door screens at No 16, 2) the distinctive narrow window above the carpet shop, followed to the right by the archway entrance (the carpet shop has taken over some of the archway building), 3) the slightly higher roof line between No 16 on the left and No 14, and 4) the way thisgroup ends after the Cloud Nine shop with a wall (previously) and now a fence. Modern pictures on google maps:,-0.3155729,3a,90y,181.03h,87.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxLZhHiFbn-qPcJnmkDQlzg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4877f5c6d97e3649:0x8ad30c74534e3085!2s12+High+St,+Market+Deeping,+Peterborough+PE6+8EB!3b1!8m2!3d52.6747933!4d-0.3155423!3m4!1s0x4877f5c6bcb9171d:0xfec58f349a23aaf9!8m2!3d52.674686!4d-0.315766 best wishes Julia Heaton Reply
I am sorry to say i cant remember where the photo came from. I dont normal cover Market Deeping Sorry Geoff Reply
Hi Geoff, Many thanks for the reply. and apologies that my reply to you is so delayed. Whch geographical area do you usually cover? (I Googled and found a Geoff Taylor photographer based in Shropshire – but I’m not sure if that is you). Julia Reply
4 Responses
This photo of High Street, Market Deeping shows numbers 18 to 8 High Street, going from left to right. From the right: it is now No 8, Cloud Nine shop, then No 10 Deeping Television, then No 14, CSM Carpet and Flooring, then No 16, residential house, then No 18 – until recently a Chinese restaurant & takeaway, but now being reovated to be a residential. The really distincitve features that confirm this are: 1) the wrought iron door screens at No 16, 2) the distinctive narrow window above the carpet shop, followed to the right by the archway entrance (the carpet shop has taken over some of the archway building), 3) the slightly higher roof line between No 16 on the left and No 14, and 4) the way thisgroup ends after the Cloud Nine shop with a wall (previously) and now a fence. Modern pictures on google maps:,-0.3155729,3a,90y,181.03h,87.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxLZhHiFbn-qPcJnmkDQlzg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4877f5c6d97e3649:0x8ad30c74534e3085!2s12+High+St,+Market+Deeping,+Peterborough+PE6+8EB!3b1!8m2!3d52.6747933!4d-0.3155423!3m4!1s0x4877f5c6bcb9171d:0xfec58f349a23aaf9!8m2!3d52.674686!4d-0.315766
best wishes
Julia Heaton
I am sorry to say i cant remember where the photo came from. I dont normal cover Market Deeping
Hi Geoff,
Many thanks for the reply. and apologies that my reply to you is so delayed. Whch geographical area do you usually cover? (I Googled and found a Geoff Taylor photographer based in Shropshire – but I’m not sure if that is you).
Sorry we are located in Lincolnshire k