Stephen Smith - It was thought that the main part of the house was built from the stones brought up the Westlode from the monastery at the dissolution in the 1540s ( I found piles of carrved stonework…
Initial we have decided to keep each contribution separate and then combine into a story once we have collected all the contributions.
Stephen Smith
Elizabeth Robinson
Captain Matthew Flinders (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) was an English navigator and cartographer who led the first inshore circumnavigation of the landmass that is now known as Australia. He is also …
From Facebook
Remember the Tower in Tower Lane being demolished? The year was 1963 and it was demolished for safety reasons, but another old Spalding landmark gone! I remember 4 of us getting the j…
A History of Sutton Bridge - 1745 to the Present Day Peter Clery
1745 - 1814
The South Sea bubble was a financial scandal in 1720-21 which outweighed anything before or since. What has that got …
What Are Listed Buildings?
A listed building in the United Kingdom is a building which has been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. There are just…