The stained glass east window in the restored chancel is a depiction of Christ in glory and was installed by parishioners in memory of the Reverend Jackson, the vicar of Moulton 1866-1889. The top panels display the 9 orders or Ranks of Angels: Serahim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels.
St Joseph of Arithemea (holding a spear)
St Peter ( with a key)
St John (with a serpent)
Mary the Mother of Jesus
St Luke (with an artist’s palette)
Archangel Raphael (carrying a fish)
The Archangel Michael (holding a shield with a Red Cross)
St John the baptist (wit a lamb)
St Walstan (carrying a scythe, he was the patron saint of farm workers)
It is all decorated with depictions of saints and angels holding ‘palms of glory.’